On Friday 22nd September 2023, EFOD Cardiff were presented with the Designed in Wales Award at the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) Wales Cymru Awards evening for their work on Faith Nursery and Primary School in Kachumbala, Bukadea, NE Uganda.
Phase 1 of the scheme included the design and construction of 3 classrooms and a dining hall for a small not for profit school serving the community of Kwarikwar. The school teaches in the English language from inception, increasing the educational prospects of the children since all national exams are in English. The new premises were opened in mid 2022, and patronage of the school has since increased by 66%.
EFOD Cardiff are now working on the provision of latrine blocks for the 170 children, before moving on to the construction of further classrooms in 2024, to meet the needs of this expanding facility.
A huge congratulations to the EFOD Cardiff team!