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The Focus of Our Efforts

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Ojikan Ward Refurbishment

The Ojikan Ward has recently been refurbished which now provides better facilities.




Faith School

Our Faith School in action! A comfortable learning environment for students.

Kathy's Womens Refuge Centre & Nursery

In 2017 EFOD teamed up with Act4Africa to construct a community health and educations facility in Mayuge, Uganda.



Kachambala Health Centre

EFOD partnered with HKS Architects and Cyfle Building Skills to construct a maternity unit at the Kachumbala Health Centre in 2017.  


The scheme involved the design and construction of two labour suites, an eight bed ward and offices and stores in an extension to a 7 room Health Unit built in 1950, and now serving 55,000 people.


The Unit benefits from solar shading, passive ventilation, rainwater harvesting and solar power. 

The schemes objectives was to reduce home births, extend the length of stay of the mothers and reduce deaths. All three have been achieved, and the Unit has become a training centre for student midwives.


Kathy Centre
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Koutalai Grain Store

EFOD West Midlands spent 5 years from 2010 building a development for the Koutulai Widows Farmers Group in rural Uganda, including a Mill, borehole, latrines, Village Hall and a Grain Store.


88 widows have worked themselves out of poverty growing cassava on their own land, store on the site, grind in the mill, and were taught in the village hall.


Over 500 of their dependents benefit from the project and more than 700 neighbours benefit from the water and sanitation.

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Kuchumbala Mill and Grain Store

EFOD South West Wales built the Kuchumbala Mill and Grain Store between 2013 and 2015 for the Kuchumbala Farmer's Cooperative in Uganda.

SaltPeter Trust bought land and provided a borehole for the community and EFOD provided this facility for 40 widows who now benefit from a 900 bag store and grinding mill.

In 2014, the First Minister for Wales, Carwen Jones, visited and his Wales for Africa scheme provided a travel grant to help 20 qualified apprentices from the Cyfle Building Skills scheme in Ammanford to supervise construction.

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Nyakoi Mam Riang Grain Store 

EFOD North West built a substantial Grain Store for the Nakoi Mam Riang Women's Cooperative who are a group of 56 women working themselves out of poverty in rural Uganda.


Together they have learned financial, animal husbandry and agricultural skills, and can now safely store produce following harvest.


The stores allows them to sell surplus grain when prices have risen. This improves food stability and income amongst the rural poor. Sadly, droughts have seriously affected food production but the store will help during the years of plenty.  

Grain 4 Gain Store
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Kpone Saduase Sewing School

EFOD Bristol designed and supervised the construction of a structure for the women of Kpone Saduase village between 2010 and 2013.


The centre which consists of a lecture room, sanitation and accommodation for teachers, is used to train women from the village in sewing and other skills.


The structure was EFOD's first to require earthquake resistance.

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Kumi Hospital Incinerator

EFOD volunteers went to site for 2 weeks in pairs and supervised the construction of a De Montford waste incinerator and developed a waste management strategy with the hospital staff.

The design is a low cost model which lasts 3-5 years.

Kumi Incinerator
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Malera Borehole

A 1946 borehole 15km into the Ugandan bush was known to yield lots of water but the diesel pump had been destroyed during times of war leaving a simple hand pump in place which could only support 350 people.

Between 2012 and 2015 EFOD Cardiff flushed and tested the borehole to demonstrate the yield could increase by 15 fold and installed a small solar pump 40m down the hole.

This pump now supplies up to 4000 people through drop taps and 10,000 cattle.

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Koutalai Village Hall

 EFOD West Midlands designed, funded and supervised the construction of a village hall for the community in 2011 and added a covered patio in 2012.


The centre now provides a hall for community meetings, a vocational school teaching sewing, computer and driving skills, and for a church to meet on Sundays. 

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TESS Vocational School

TESS Vocational School in Kapir, Uganda provides a training school for children in Teso.

EFOD Cardiff designed the first 3 units, built the first in 2011 and helped the procurement of a contractor to build the second in 2012.

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Koutalai Borehole & Latrines

EFOD West Midlands designed, funded and supervised the construction of a mill, latrines and borehole for a women’s cooperative in 2011.



CASSO Orphanage

EFOD Cardiff built CASSO Orphanage in 2009/10 for the Care & Share Charity to provide a home for street children from the Soroti area, Uganda.

The complex includes an Administration building, 4 Dormitory Units and an Assembly Hall, together with male and female toilet and shower blocks.

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Soroti Baptist Medical Centre

Soroti Baptist Medical Centre was built by EFOD Cardiff between 2005 and 2010 in response to a request to provide low cost medical facilities for the people of Soroti.


30 intrepid volunteers worked together to design, raise funds and supervise construction of this 16 room building.


The Centre employs 15 permanent staff and is a not-for-profit.


SaltPeter Trust continue to provide regular support and help to train both UK and and Ugandan medical staff.

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Atatur Hospital Incinerator

EFOD volunteers went to site for 2 weeks in pairs and supervised the construction of a De Montford waste incinerator and developed a waste management strategy with the hospital staff.


The design is a low cost model which lasts 3-5 years.


Soroti Referral Hospital Incinerator

EFOD volunteers went to site for 2 weeks in pairs and supervised the construction of a De Montford waste incinerator and developed a waste management strategy with the hospital staff.


The design is a low cost model which lasts 3-5 years. Soroti incinerator has since been repaired or rebuilt by the hospital maintenance teams.

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Masaka Hospital Incinerator

EFOD volunteers went to site for 2 weeks in pairs and supervised the construction of a De Montford waste incinerator and developed a waste management strategy with the hospital staff.

The design is a low cost model which lasts 3-5 years. Masaka has since been repaired or rebuilt by the hospital maintenance teams.

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Mbale Showground Latrines

In 2001, land was allocated by the Mbale Council for 6 engineers from EFOD Cardiff to complete 2 latrine blocks of 5 cubicles.

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Community Latrines, Gambia

EFOD started in 2000 with the construction of 2 latrine blocks by 6 intrepid Civil Engineers in a downtown area in Banjol, The Gambia.


There were 1930's latrines which were demolished, and the new blocks were constructed over a 10 week period.


EFOD have been delivering MDG's since its inception, training some of our engineering workforce, and sharing it with local workers.

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